NOVACROW - WildSpiritz IMS Interview
Novacrow have been described as being better than sex.

Novacrow have been described as being better than sex.
“Wild stage shows, stupid antics and a juicy rock sound that will make your groin tingle. Buckle up for some NOVACROW.”
Taken from their social media page that’s a statement to make you want to see them. Luckily for us, we have managed to catch them live on several occasions and every time they give their all and its always a memorable set. Guitarist, vocalist and front woman extraordinaire Kitty Staunton gave up some of her time to chat with us.
As a starter for ten, we wanted to know where the name Novacrow came from and the answer was short and sweet.
“A wet dream.”
The band have been together now for six years and there have been some changes in the music industry in that time. So, what had they learned in their time together?
“We’ve learned that this shit is hard (but we love it). If you want to pursue music then you should be prepared for long drives, late nights, and sweaty crotches. Generally, we would say that the scene itself hasn’t particularly changed, though social media platforms go in and out of vogue.”
As we said before, Novacrow put on a very visual, very engaging show every time so we wanted to know if it was naturally like that when they first started or did it take a while to find their groove.
“Oh hell no, our talent was a divine gift! We knew damn well what we were doing from the very start since we’re all-natural born attention seekers.”
A couple of the times we caught the band live was on the very successful Tour of the Valkyries 2019 where they were co-headliners with The Loved and Lost. That tour was, in fact, a particular success for the band so was it something they would look to do again.
“Yeah it was a lot of fun - we got to do a bunch of shows with friends and great bands, what’s not to love? We would absolutely love to do something like that again.”
One thing that cannot be taken away from the band is just how hard they work. 2019 was extremely busy for them and they are already filling the calendar for 2020. We asked Kitty if the band had their eye on any festivals and if they planned a nonstop rollercoaster of gigs again.
“We intend to be super busy as always, with lots of exciting things going on in the Novacrow secret labs! We’re gonna try and book fewer shows this year so we can focus on new mouth-watering new material and get some studio sessions booked in as we’ve got a lot of stuff planned in the works!”
“But fear not! We will STILL be doing plenty of shows throughout the year, which you can all keep on top of by visiting our website”
Novacrow have played on the continent several times so the curious mind wanted to know if there were any plans for that in 2020 or if they were looking even further afield.
“We’re in talks with Elon Musk about doing a gig on Mars but keep it on the down-low. As said before, we’re gonna focus on crotch-warmingly great material this year so we probably won’t have the chance to go abroad much this year. But we’re planning on world domination by the end of 2021, so there’s that.”
And regarding the writing of new material, we wondered about the next release.
“We’re brewing some magic as we type this, so expect all sorts of cool shit this year!”
One of the things that we were really keen to know was that having seen the shows and videos, where the inspiration came from and how the writing process worked.
“For our currently released material, Kitty has done the bulk of the writing, but some delicious collaborative efforts such as ‘Criminal Mastermind’ and Freddy’s central creation of ‘The Tyranny’. In terms of inspiration, a mix of everything from video games, the horror genre and good ol’ “feelings”.”
Novacrow are a very well-known band with a big following and great media presence but we were still keen to find out how they found being an independent band in today’s climate.
“For most underground bands, each member ends up taking on tonnes of additional responsibilities! Never mind writing or playing music, more and more bands are taking the DIY approach and serving as their own managers, merchandisers, PR team and website builders. You really have to enjoy the work and be passionate about music.”
There is a general feeling amongst bands that there is not very much industry support for independent music. What did the band feel could be done better to support this.
“Help fight the bullshit social media restrictions that make it impossible to get any reach without paying extortionate fees. “
We were as ever coming to the end of our time, so it was time for a few standard questions the first of which was to get a shout out to the fans.
“Thank you for all your continued support, you are ALL awesome!! *airhorn sounds*”
And the future for the band.
“Eternal glory.”
This has been an excellent and humorous interview which was expected but when it came to final words we did go away and google the answer.
Any final words?
“Cats have barbed penises.”
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is that.
Words by the wonderful Ernest Platt